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Summary of Question:Why caste system??
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 6/08/2000 5:25 PM MDT

I have read all your responses over the caste system.

I still am not clear about.......

Why there is a difference in theory and practice.
If Sikhism preaches no caste system.. why do many of the punjabi's have their caste names attached.. Eg Saini, Jatt, Oberoi etc.. With their names.

Now anyone not practicing what is said in Shri Guru Granth Sahib is not then a Sikh.
Would we want to say that just because these people are having their caste names attached.. they are not Sikh's??


Anyone can consider themself a Sikh. You are making a judgement that they are not Sikhs because they use a last name...

There are so many levels of observence. It takes many kinds of people to make a world. Who can judge except God, Guru, and that person's own soul.

People practice what they have been taught. They do not practice what they do not know. Perhaps they do not understand this teaching of the Guru.

Please help me have a clear picture on this by a detailed response.
Also in terms of Yes/No.. asto anyone with caste name is a sikh or not??


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Why caste system?? (06/08/2000)
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