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Summary of Question:Who Is Udam Singh
Date Posted:Tuesday, 2/29/2000 6:23 AM MST


Udham Singh was a very brave man who avenged the massacre of Jallianwalla Bagh in Amritsar(where innocent unarmed Indians holding a peaceful gathering were brutally butchered by Gen. Dyer and his soldiers). He assasinated Gen. Michael Dwyer in London who had escaped the process of justice for ordering the ruthless Amritsar massacre. Before then, he was a great freedom fighter in India, went to the prison several times, and continued his quest for freedom when he moved to the US. Ultimately, he moved to London to punish Gen. Dwyer. After he shot Dwyer dead, he could have escaped his sentence by pleading insanity as he was persuaded to do by his friends, but he said that would defeat the purpose of killing Dwyer. He was hanged for killing Dwyer, becoming a martyr.

Therefore, he is some one very important in Inida's struggle for freedom and will always be respected for his contributions.

Hey, Who is Uddam Singh? Why is there this big movie thing about him. Why is he considered like someone important?? Im lost.

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Who Is Udam Singh (02/29/2000)
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