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Summary of Question:Re: Hairy Legs At School And 4Ft Hair
Date Posted:Tuesday, 12/10/2002 8:23 AM MST

Respectful sisters may you be blessed with the courage to accept your uniqueness.

Firstly, to the young lady at school, although I am a sikh male I fully understand your situation as there was a similar case in my school. Please do not be embarrassed with the way the human body looks. I live in the UK and you, I think live in the USA, I'm sure there isn't that much of a difference in school systems. The teachers cannot force you to wear gym shorts why don't you request your parents to speak to the headmaster/principal and request to wear track suit bottoms/joggers, if you want to do sports. ALSO it is true, the more you remove / shave hair it grows back thicker and stronger.

As stated above I am a sikh male, I haven't been blessed with Amrit yet, but pray for that day to come soon. I have stopped shaving and removing hair. It took me a lot of courage (because I live in a white society, there are not many asians/indians) to walk around with a beard and turban, but I have to admit it has now given me the self confidence to walk into a room filled with hundreds of people and not be shy. I am quite hairy in nature! but I have accepted all of my hair as a gift and I cherish every strand of hair on my body.

Now, for the lady who has been blessed with 4 feet of hair. May I congratulate you upon recieving this gift. I would be a happy man if I was blessed with longer fuller kesh. I pray that you have not cut your hair. Please find some solution like taking a shower and washing your hair by tilting your head backwards instead of forwards like some people wash their hair (it will still work if you dont have a shower and have to bathe using a bucket and jug). Try plaiting ('ghutt/chotti') your hair loosely from your shoulders downwards and then washing your hair in the plait/braid. This way you can just wrap your plait in a towel after washing it and it will be easy to dry, by starting the plait at your shoulders you can wash your head and neck to clean away grease easily. Also then when you comb it to take out the knots ('ghoonjal') you can undo a bit of the plait from the botton at a time, and comb it out.

OR tie your hair in one or two pony tails from your neck/shoulders and then shampoo your head and then just rinse your hair with water, there is no need to shampoo the entire length of your hair since the rinsed water will wash the rest of the hair. Use a conditioner on the length of your hair starting from your shoulders down, so that you do not get 'knots'.

Finally some people have dry ends in thier hair because of its length, apply any type of oil (amla, coconut, almond, olive or even baby oil) to the ends of your hair before you go to sleep or the night before you are due to wash it.

You have been blessed with a rare gift please do not feel that you too have to cut or trim your hair like your sister in-laws. To save time in the morning, why not wash your hair at leisure in the evening before you go to sleep. (if you find my tips useful and wish to contact me for further tips, then just post a message on the forum and then I will reply to that posting with my e-mail address in the reply. If you dont find my tips of any use, then atleast we tried! and I hope you find a REAL solution and not have to resort to cutting your hair.)

Best of luck to you both...

Bless you for your compassion and thoughtful replies!

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