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Summary of Question:Tables At Gudwara
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 9/13/2000 6:11 PM MDT

Why aren't tables allowed in the lungar hall at Gudwaras? It has caused alot of arguments in our local gudwara. Why can't the commity who make these kind of descions actually deal with REAL issues, like how alot of sikhs in countries outside India are not even going to the gudwara anymore, and not wasting their times with pointless ideas like this.

My local gudwara now allows some seating and tabling for older members, but the others have to sit on the hard floor. Why is this so?
Langar is a meditation of consuming the blessed food of the community where all are equal; no special seats, no one is higher or lower. There is nothing pointless about this. Devotion, service, meditation are all actions of upliftment and fulfillment. The Gurdwara is a place to experience the spiritual world.

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Tables At Gudwara (09/13/2000)
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