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Summary of Question:does hair consist of dead cells
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 7/01/2000 11:42 AM MDT

I am asking a question following an answer to a previous question. You said that hair is not dead, but by science terms, hair consists of dead cells. Could you please be more broad and tell me the, not one but many important points on the relation of hair, related to god and ourshelves and why we have kept it.



"Science" as you put it, is an ever changing view of the world."Science" once said there was nothing smaller than a molecule, then they developed instruments that could detect atoms. Someday "Science" will have the tools to measure the very subtle energies of the human, then a lot their "facts" will change. Meanwhile, we have the Gurus to guide us, because they could feel and understand these energies. So can you if you will meditate regularly.
First, nature (Wahe Guru) put every hair on your body for a reason. The
hair of the legs regulates the glandular system. The hair under the armpits is to protect the very sensitive area where the parasympathetic and sympathetic
nervous systems balance each other. It affects the brain and your energy
level. The hair on top of the head is very long, while the hair on the body is short. If it was only for warmth, the hair on the body would be long also. We only have long hair right over the brain. We are the only creature designed this way. Hair is your antennae to receive a picture of the subtle world around you, to tell when people are lying, to feel things before they happen, etc.

Second, since you were designed with hair, you are saying to God "You are
an idiot, I'll redesign my body according to whatever my whim is today. Or
maybe I'll let some boy or girl tell me how it should be." Remember, someday all the styles will be gone. You will breathe your last breath and pass
through the tunnel, and your life will pass before you. You will see every thing
you have ever done. The things we do for temporary gain which are against our
nature, will be very painful at that time. Before every action, think of
the long term consequences, even to infinity.

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does hair consist of dead cells (07/01/2000)
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