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Summary of Question:whats my actual identity,should i change my appearance and whats allowed/taboo
Date Posted:Thursday, 8/03/2000 9:16 AM MDT

SatSriAkaal. Khalsa Ji,by birth I am a Punjabi Brahmin. I got interested in Sikhism nearly 3 years ago. Now I try my level best to follow Sikhism as much as possible. I don't call myself a Hindu anymore,but I haven't converted to Sikhism. I believe that I can remain a SahajDhari Sikh until I'm fully ready for Amrit. But until then I don't know what to call myself, Hindu or Sikh.

My second question is that I want to keep a beard but people would think I'm a muslim. Please advice me on this one too. What should I do? Remain clean shaven and continue on the path of Sikhi or keep a beard but be looked upon with hatred as a muslim?

My final question is this : as long as one has clean intentions in his heart,mind and soul,as long as one sees the Light of WAHEGURU in everyone,and as long as one can abstain from indulging in illicit intimacy and pre-marital sexual intercourse,I don't see any reason as to why it would be wrong to have a girlfriend. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Please answer my questions. I have come to you with a lot of hope. Thank you.


One who is a seeker after the truth is the literal definition of a Sikh. If you are a seeker on this path of Sikhism then you are a Sikh. Affirm this and put aside your hesitation or doubt.

So, go for it all the way. If you are not living in the form of a Sikh then you are not having the full experience.

To live in the unchanging truth of Wahe Guru, means to keep yourself as God has made you. This means to not cut you facial or bodily hair. Then, we tie our hair in a knot of awareness (rishi knot) on top of our head and cover it with a turban. You can read in Sikhnet about the technology of the long hair and turban. Bana, Bani, Simran, Seva. Try it.

When someone asks me if I am a Muslim, I explain that I am a Sikh. I feel respected in either case. It is a shame you find Muslims so hated. Many people are not familiar with Sikhs. So, you have the opportunity to explain.

I wonder now, what a girlfriend is to you. In this Western society, a girlfriend is a date. You know that every date has a pit. Right?! If your friendship with a women is always within the company of others, you should be fine. Becoming personal and intimate with a girl outside of marraige has its pitfalls.

Be good to yourself and keep focused on your spiritual evolution. Then, when you are ready for the committment of marriage, you will know who you are and who you can share a life of conscioousness with.

May God and Guru bless you.

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whats my actual identity,should i change my appearance and whats allowed/taboo (08/03/2000)
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