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Summary of Question:Flexibility In A Turban?????
Date Posted:Saturday, 2/10/2001 5:51 AM MST


I am a sikh aged 17 yrs of age and with a turban.The sad part is that the turban doesn't allow me to be flexible in many fields one of which is my major sport basket ball.During a match if ur next to the basket(hoop)or any other position the danger/fear is that if a player hits ur turban it then moves from it's initial position.Which is not a pleasent site & by even wearing a patka there is no difference as the players(not intentionally)hit the judda.
Thus,what can one do to prevent it from happening again?
Sat Siri Akal Ji--

God bless you for trying! I can imagine that wearing turban is difficult in such an active game. I am female/wearing a turban. Here are some thoughts for keeping your 'coverage' during such activity. I am hoping others see this and extend their ideas as well, once posted.

It seems that unless everyone is in turbans, and therefore watching out for them in basketball, you need a way to adapt to keep your hair safe and head covered, but avoid the problems you mentioned.

1. Have you considered putting your hair in long braid down your back, INSIDE your shirt. Then, get close-fitting cap of some kind (made of knit fabric). I know this doesn't show you are Sikh, but it keeps your Kesh safe, and head covered. Also it's safer so no one hits judda, and it keeps you focused on game not on the turban. When the game is over, you can wrap the turban normally again.

2. I once saw a Sikh hide his patka/judda under a base-ball kind of cap. In your case you would wear the brim on the back. Get one that has adjustable piece or elastic on the edge. This again is not a turban, but it supports judda for activity, and would still keep your head covered.

Maybe these will give you ideas. Good luck.
Guru Rakha--

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Flexibility In A Turban????? (02/10/2001)
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