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Summary of Question: | No sites no info! |
Category: | Turban |
Date Posted: | Monday, 10/23/2000 9:22 AM MDT |
I wrote asking for info on how to wrap a turban or any sites where I could learn. Well I have spent hours searching on many many serach engines and have found nothing to teach me to wrap a turban. I have searched this forum and there is nothing. My questions still don't get posted or get answered.
There is no Sikh community here to ask. I feel my search is in vain and I will just do my own thing and try to figure things out on my own by analyzing pictures etc.
Bhavesa Dasa
Sorry I have not gotten back to you sooner. I too have been searching for the intructions that you need.
There is a book you can get called "Style of the Lion" by Jaspreet Singh, that has full directions and step by step pictures on tying a turban. You can order the book from Golden Temple Enterprises at: [email protected]. Or perhaps you can purchase the book on line too.
I can tell you that to tie a turban you will need about 6 yards of a soft thin cotton fabric that is about 45 inches wide. You must stretch it out, preferably with another persoon....or tie one end to a door knob. Then, make one fold on the left side. After that, begin rolling the fabric on the right side toward the left fold until it is all rolled.
Your hair should be combed into a bun on top of your head. Put your wooden comb or "kanga" into the hair. Fold the rolled cloth up so you can start tying the turban. Put one end of the cloth into your mouth. Then begin winding that same side across the side of your head and over your head until you reach the back. This should be a diagonal so you have a "v" across your forehead. You go up on one side and down on the angle on the other side of the head. Each fold will be graduated until your head in practically covered. At the very end you will take the piece out of your mouth and pull that around the back of your head. This will cause the top of the head to be covered and you can tuck in that last piece in at the back of the neck and tuck the end into the turban.
There are many different kinds of turbans that you can tie. Try to get the book and keep me informed of your progress. I will see if we can actually post the directions on Sikhnet.
God bless you for your patience.