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Summary of Question:Praying
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 9/27/2000 11:45 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akal

I would like know that if we want something from God, to change our live, how would we do this? how should we pray to God to get this?
And also pictures of Gurus, should we pray to them or bow down to them?

Thanking You

**** reply ****

Prayer is not a 'supplication' so much as a connection - just like a phone line (but it's a wireless connection <g>.) The resonance
vibration connects us to Guru Ji's spirit and presence beyond time and space and the action is produced through our powerful love and actual vibratory frequency of our thought waves. The more we call someone and talk to them the more we establish our connection with them. That is our own inner connection to our Guru.

My observation is that prayer is based on the physics of resonance. i.e., we embrace the thoughts, feelings and emotions we would experience in the presence of a desired outcome.

For example, peace isn't created by praying for peace. Rather, it occurs when enough people align their thoughts, feelings and emotions to those they would experience in the presence of peace. It is our own inner state that creates a mirroring state of peace in the external world through the resonance of our own thought forms with the electromagnetic fields around us.

Quantum physics (and my own meditative experience) suggests that by redirecting our focus -- where we place our attention -- we bring a new course of events into focus, (while at the same time releasing an existing course of events that may no longer serve us.) You know, under the right conditions, two atoms can occupy exactly the same space at the same time. If two of the basic building blocks of our world may coexist at the same instant, then the doorway has been opened for many atoms, resulting in many outcomes, to do the same. Thus, many possible futures.

Have you seen the research that showed a correlation between a scientist's feelings about the outcome of an experiment and the actual outcome? I don't remember where I read about that but it blew my mind.

Russian quantum biologist Vladimir Poponin's research in the early 1990s showed that DNA affected light particle patterns in a vacuum not only when it was physically present but also after it was removed. Poponin wrote that those results left him, "forced to accept the working hypothesis that some new field structure is being excited."

It is this energy field structure that is affected by prayer. It explains correlations between mass prayers and certain events such as an acceleration of the peace process in Northern Ireland and an unusual change of course by an asteroid away from a collision with the Earth in 1996. In fact, it explains a lot about the whole mechanism through which we change the world as a whole by our thoughts, feelings and projections.

Trancendental Meditation studies in 24 U.S. cities in 1972 and in Jerusalem in 1983 showed that even less than 1 percent of a population engaging in unified forms of peaceful prayer correlated with reduced rates of crime, accidents and suicides in a community.

I saw a video onece in which a woman's three-inch (7.6 cm) bladder cancer tumour was shown via ultrasound quivering, then vanishing, as three buddhists using a centuries-old healing practice chanted what might be loosely translated into English as "already gone." The key to the healing of the woman's cancer is that the group's focus was on the feeling of the outcome.

The real power of prayer is not in the words spoken but in the inner state created by the act of praying. It is that feeling or emotional state that holds the power to affect every aspect of what we experience in our lives and on our planet. We all have direct access to the primal forces of our world. This is the power of the Word to move mountains.


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