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Summary of Question:Re: Sikh man and Christian woman.
Date Posted:Tuesday, 6/13/2000 5:12 PM MDT

Thank you very much for the response. What you have told me I understand is correct.
I'm smiling, because I now understand what you are telling me. Your response came a little to late. I was hoping to get an answer before I met his family :-)
I met them this weekend, and spent four days at their home. I had a great time, and feel even closer to my wonderful boyfriend - and his family.

I think we all were very nervous. They were very polite, even though it must have been obvious that I was so nervous that I wanted to dig a hole to hide in.
I think the ice was broken when I offered to help out in the kitchen and showed interest in the Indian and Sikh way of life. I had brought them a book with nice pictures of my country and food resepies. (That was a smart move...) Food was an important subject. I was included in everything from the start, and that felt good. I was accepted when I had two pieces of a very hot dish. They laughed, because even they felt it was too hot:-) And when I made carrot-cake, I was accepted by my boyfriends father:-) I felt that by making food together with his mother we had something to share and a platform from where we could build a friendship. I also think that it was obvious that their son and I really care about each other and are a really good match. We have the same humour, opinions and thoughts about life.

I was introduced to everyone in his family, uncles, aunts, cousins and even his grandparents. We went to picnics and family parties. The huge family party with relatives that not even my boyfriend had met before was the most scary thing for me. This was so different from what I'm used to. Really different. My boyfriends mother took good care of me. I also knew my boyfriend kept an eye on me to se if I was OK...that helped as well.

All in all, I felt that I was met with a lot of warmth and acceptance in a family with a loving atmosphere and people with big hearts and a great sense of humour. I really felt at home and relaxed. They even accepted the fact that I have children. I didn't feel that my independence was a problem at any time. Our differences in lifestyle and background are so different that it actually made it easier... It's hard to explain. Curiosity is the key-word here...

When it comes to religion, I think my boyfriends father will be a source of information. My boyfriend have given me a lot of information as well. If I will convert is another subject...I don't know if I will. But - I feel it's not so important what Gods name is. In my opinion, he is the same in every religion. I believe God gave every human being their conscience - and that it's not depending on religion. And with that we come a long way, and gives people something in common. I think it's important for me to see what is true Sikhism and what is "just" tradition and culture. ...And maybe it's not so different from what I believe in after all...

This was longer than I had intended it to be(I could go on forever..). I just had an urge to tell about my thoughts and experience and that I feel like the happiest woman on earth!

Thank you so much for your time.


Thanx for letting me know. I am happy for you.

Do keep in mind that the Sikh Scriptures, the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, is a source of guidence and information that you can always refer to in times of need. You do not have to be a SIkh to benefit from this resource.....get one with English translation...God bless you and good luck!

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Re: Sikh man and Christian woman. (06/13/2000)
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