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Summary of Question:Why is it wrong to eat eggs if the ones they sell in stores are not fertilized?
Date Posted:Monday, 3/06/2000 11:51 PM MST

Hi, I've got a question that nobody else has asked yet! I have been wondering this for a while now. I don't eat meat anymore. I stopped this summer and got baptized but I often get curious about hair and eggs. Everyone shaves their legs so I feel awkward. A lot of foods contain eggs like breads and cookies. I can't even eat waffles anymore. I read a book about eggs which said that a bird can't be born from certain eggs which are not fertilized. If this is true, how do farmers and people who sell them at gerocery stores know them apart? I know it sounds a bit strange that I still have a question after baptizing, I don't feel good about it myself. When I became baptized, it was during a Khalsa Camp and the things I learned just really touched me! Please let me know as soon as possible because when I have something unanswered I always have a guilty concience telling me there's something to do!

Jessica :)

Good question. Eggs are liquid chickens, whether they have been fertilized or not. Eggs are the menstruation of the chicken. They are baby chickens that haven't hatched yet. Milk on the other hand is a *by-product* of the cow, but will never become a cow no matter what happens to it.
As for hair, every hair was designed as part of your body for a specific reason. The hair of the legs regulates the glandular system. You need it! The hair under the arms helps to balance the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems and the brain. Hair is for people who want to understand themselves in relation to infinity.
Blessings. May you have the courage and vision to hold your Dharma through all the tests of time and space.

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Why is it wrong to eat eggs if the ones they sell in stores are not fertilized? (03/06/2000)
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