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Summary of Question:amrit and 5k's
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 5/03/2000 7:58 PM MDT

Hi again,

I have two questions
1. if you take amrit are you considered a better sikh , then i person who doesn't
2. if you don't wear the 5 k's are you still considered as a sikh.

waheguru ji khalsa , waheguru ji feteh


1.Taking amrit does not imply that you are a better Sikh. Taking Amrit solidifies your intention of being a Sikh and thereby taking the Siri Guru Granth Sahib as your "channel" to the "Infinite" otherwise known as God. By doing this, you give your head to the Guru and the Guru then must fulfill you and stand by you.

A sikh is only as great as their practice/ their devotion/ their example.

2.Many people consider themsleves Sikhs and do not wear their 5 K's. I think that the steel bangle is the minimum outward symbol of a SIkh. The greater your practice, the greater is your experience of that practice.

Guru Gobind Singh gave us this form, to give us identity, and strengthen us though this identity. It was meant to be a challange.

Sikhism is a religion, which anyone can practice. If you wear your 5 k's or only 2 k's or whatever you do, that is your practice. You are a Sikh if you consider yourself to be a seeker of the truth according to the teachings of Guru Nanak through Guru Gobind SIngh and Siri Guru Granth Sahib.

You may not be a perfect Sikh now, the important thing is you aspire always to seek to be greater and more like your God and Guru in kindness and in giving.

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amrit and 5k's (05/03/2000)
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