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Summary of Question:Insomnia
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 2/29/2000 1:30 AM MST

Sat Sri Akal,

I was hoping you could let me know how I can get rid of my insomnia. Even when I do sleep, I get all sorts of crazy visions, and it's a very distracted sleep, to say the least. This kind of thing has just started happening recently, and it's wreaked havoc on my alertness in the day...

I've started doing Kirtan Sohila before going to sleep, and though it has calmed my mind before going to sleep, I still don't get very much REM sleep. I was hoping you could suggest some Sikh/spiritual remedy for me.

Thank you so much.

***** Reply *****

Sat Siri Akal Ji, I am assuming you are not drinking stimulants (chai, coffee, etc.) late in the day. There are two types of insomnia - physical and mental. Physical insomnia means you need more physical activity during the day. For mental insomnia, here is a meditation to be done just before bed to get deep sleep. I takes a few days to set the brain pattern, so do it every night before bed for at least a month.

Sit to meditate with spine straight. Eyes are closed with focus at the brow point (ajna). Hands relaxed in lap, palms up, men place right hand resting in left hand, women have left hand on top. Break the inhale into four parts and mentally chant SA-TA-NA-MA (panj shabd) with each inhale, one sound per breath part. Hold the breath and silently chant the panj shabd 4 times (SA-TA-NA-MA-SA-TA-NA-MA-SA-TA-NA-MA-SA-TA-NA-MA), then exhale in two parts and chant silently WAHE GURU one sound per part. The repeat the cycle. Continue for 11 minutes before bed. Then inhale and hold breath for a few seconds letting the energy circulate. Then recite Kirtan Sohila, get into bed, lie on right side. Let right nostril be closed against the pillow and breathe long and deep through left nostril till asleep.


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