gun gopaal parabh kay nit gaahaa

sUhI mhlw 5 ] (742-8)
soohee mehlaa 5.
Soohee, Fifth Mehl:

gux gopwl pRB ky inq gwhw ]
gun gopaal parabh kay nit gaahaa.
Where the Glorious Praises of God, the Lord of the world are continually sung,

And ibnod mMgl suK qwhw ]1]
anad binod mangal sukh taahaa. ||1||
there is bliss, joy, happiness and peace. ||1||

clu sKIey pRBu rwvx jwhw ]
chal sakhee-ay parabh raavan jaahaa.
Come, O my companions - let us go and enjoy God.

swD jnw kI crxI pwhw ]1] rhwau ]
saaDh janaa kee charnee paahaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Let us fall at the feet of the holy, humble beings. ||1||Pause||

kir bynqI jn DUir bwCwhw ]
kar bayntee jan Dhoor baachhaahaa.
I pray for the dust of the feet of the humble.

jnm jnm ky iklivK lwhW ]2]
janam janam kay kilvikh laahaaN. ||2||
It shall wash away the sins of countless incarnations. ||2||

mnu qnu pRwx jIau Arpwhw ]
man tan paraan jee-o arpaahaa.
I dedicate my mind, body, breath of life and soul to God.

hir ismir ismir mwnu mohu ktwhW ]3]
har simar simar maan moh kataahaaN. ||3||
Remembering the Lord in meditation, I have eradicated pride and emotional attachment. ||3||

dIn dieAwl krhu auqswhw ]
deen da-i-aal karahu utsaahaa.
O Lord, O Merciful to the meek, please give me faith and confidence,

nwnk dws hir srix smwhw ]4]20]26]
naanak daas har saran samaahaa. ||4||20||26||
so that slave Nanak may remain absorbed in Your Sanctuary. ||4||20||26||