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Summary of Question:Success
Date Posted:Friday, 7/15/2005 10:55 AM MDT

sorry i ask sooo many ?s but i was wondering if u guys were still going over some of the ?s i sent u earlier (from the same email address)????? anywayz i am here with yet another ?!(sorry!:))this question will show how stupid i am and how much doubt i have on God still but here it goes...

will god help me in my studies if i pray everyday (just japji sahib, rehras, adn am trying to learn the other banis) and if i give my best (meaning i do try but i dont study 24/7 i feel like i have time which i could be spending studying but because i always study about 4 to 5 hrs in the day, i dont feel like it i feel like my other hrs that i spend say exercising and sleeping at night are waisted and not being used up)? do i need to pray more..will god help me MORE if take amrit (which i know i will someday)?if i BLINDLY say that in the end i will succedd becuase i have always left everything up to god and have accepted all of my failures..can u assure me that God will give me success? another ?: shouldn't one just accept losses, failures as a gift from God? the answer is yes but i dont know how to deal with society when it comes to losses, failures...what should u should u react, respond? one last ?: if u know what u are about to do is wrong according to sikhism but yet ur parents think its not that big of a deal should u do it (for ex. electrolysis)?

thanks a billion for taking all of my ?s and i apreaciate alllll the time u have spent on answering my dumb ?s!! i truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!!!! :)


(REPLY) Sat Nam. You need to relax, and simply do your best at everything you do. Whatever results from your doing your best is God's will. If you do something intentionally that you know is wrong according to Sikhi, then it's obviously not a good idea, no matter what anyone else tells you. You will feel guilty, and that's not a good way to feel. As for success, well, again, do your best, and leave the results to God. Praying for success is fine, but God helps those who help themselves also! So, do the work, put in sensible study time, balance your life, get proper exercise, and rememer that all of life is a school. We are here on Earth only temporarily to learn how to be human! We are basically spiritual beings, who have taken on these physical human bodies to experience God's creation, pay off our karma, and be able to return Home to God joyfully and fearlessly when God decides to take back the part of Himself that breathes in us every minute! Think about, and repeat to yourself, ANG SANG WAHE GURU! And believe it, because it is true. Read the English translation of Japji Sahib and try to understand what Guru Nanak is telling us! Blessings, SP

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