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Summary of Question:Stress
Date Posted:Thursday, 12/30/2004 8:04 AM MST


I'm actually supposed to be revising at this moment, but my revision is not going very far. I can't seem to revise at the moment, i don't know why? I have been working hard during the week, but now i just can't get myself to revise. I have my regular breaks (every 30 minutes). I am even starting to pull my hair out..which i know i shouldn't. Mr exams are approaching in about a week and a half time. I don't know what to do, i can't get myself to revise like i did before. Any suggestions, please feel free to express, i really do need help.

Thank you ever so much for listening to me......your advise will be very much appericated. x

(REPLY) Sat Nam. What do you mean by "revise?" One of the best ways to handle stress is quite simple, just do long deep breathing, and feel Wahe Guru in you, with you with every breath! Because that is a reality. You can also close your eyes and breathe long and deep for a few minutes, thinking the sound "SAT" as you inhale, and "NAM" as you exhale. (Truth IS your Identity) And/or repeat to yourself, ANG SANG WAHE GURU and accept the fact that God is indeed with you at every moment. SP

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