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Summary of Question:Christmas For Sikhs?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 11/26/2004 7:57 PM MST

Waheguru ji ka khalsa,

Waheguru ji ki fateh.

Im a 14 year old sikh living in michigan. i wrote earlier 2 u about pughs and punjabi, but now i have kind of an odd question. you see, my parentz are semi religious, they keep their hair and so some patt, but they do somethings i dont agree with and i have a question about one of the things they do, which is celebrate christmas. now i told them i dont wana do it, but they call me to strict on sikhi and what not, and say im too rigid. i jus had a simple explaination that its a christian holiday, and we're not christians, and that there is no use in doing it anyways. all they say is that christians dont even kno the meaning, so its ok, and that theres no religous significance. as much as i argue with them, we've celebrated it for the last 3 years. please give me an adequet argument for them back, because i really disagree with what my parents are doing.

thanks, take care gurfateh

Sat Siri Akaal. My guess is your parents are trying to fit in to the dominant American mainstream by doing the Christmas thing, and be seen as the same as your neighbors. Frankly, it's true that many Americans do Christmas because they grew up with it, not because they are celebrating a Christian holiday.
Frankly, I think it is legitimate for you to not want to partake in this 'practice'. You do not wish to be identified with it, and in my mind, that is not too strict since you wish to be fully identified as Sikh.

There is nothing more I can say to it for you. Since they are not Amritdhari and are only semi-observant, and presumably, since they do not celebrate Christmas because they are closet Christians, then there is no reason for them to do it, NOR is there any reason for them NOT to do it.

What you didn't mention in your post that bears family discussion is this: why are they so hot to celebrate it? Ask them for an honest answer. Are they hedging their bets, the way many Hindus honor Sikh holidays in the hopes that it builds good karma? Or are they trying to assimilate, or do they just like the smell of a Christmas tree? An HONEST answer from them will guide you in your own decision to participate or not. Your father may be getting pressure from the neighbors or co-workers. It's too bad. It'd be more appropriate to have neighbors or co-workers come over and celebrate a Sikh holiday with you, wouldn't it?
Hope this helps,
Guru ang sang,

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