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Summary of Question:Sangat For Inspiration
Date Posted:Friday, 9/26/2008 4:31 AM MDT

Waheguru ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh.

Satkaryog Veerji/Bhanji
I am 24 year old Sikh from Australia. I just moved from Punjab to Sydney in June this year.I have had sangat of Gursikhs back home and Darsan of Shri Guru Granth Sahib almost Daily.

Things are different here. But thanks to the Sikhnet, I can Read hukam daily and see Gurmat Vichar from blessed Gursikhs around the world.I have seen videos of Singh Sahib Harbhajan Singh Ji and many others. I had heard about him in Punjab but didn't know much.He had such a high level of mentality. I have seen most of his videos i can find here.
I would like to know about any books or Cd's are available so i can learn more.
I would also like to know about kundalani yoga and meditation.

I am greatly inspired by the views of BIBI SHANTI KAUR JI when she talks about women in turban and Akal takht Sahib. We(I Along with my friends) have seen her videos. I love when she talks about Guru Gobind Singh ji will recognise her as daughter between crowd with her turban.She had been with singh Sahib for long time.
Correct me if i am wrong.Many of the questions here are answered by her.

BIBI EKONKAR KAUR JI is so cool when she talks about GURU NANAK JI. She is like drenched in love for GURU NANAK Ji. I would like to be in such a love with GURUji.
I would like to watch the whole of the program but can't find it.

BHAI GURUKA SINGH JI is someone to listen to all the time. He Explains things in such a simple yet brilliant way.

Please tell me the way. Oh my respected brothers/sisters, please let me how to get that level of spirituality.

Please email me if you can read my MSG.I would like to do Darshan of all Sikhsangat there.
As Ardas goes
"Sayee Gurmukh pyare mael, jinah milayan tera naam chit avee."

That is all for now. Do reply if you can.
Guru Shayee hove
Waheguru ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh
Jashanpreet singh


My dear Jashanpreet Singh ji,

Greetings and blessings to you in the Name of God and Guru.

There are many teachers of Kundalini Yoga in Australia. I recommend that you google 3HO (Healthy Happy Holy....or Kundalini Yoga in Sydney). I know of some teachers there.....Ram Ravi Singh,, Guru Jiwan Kaur....) If you cannot find one of these wonderful inspiring teachers, then find a Kundalini Yoga class and start your practice. The Yoga will take you deep into the experience of your own consciousness and embellish your experience of Sikhee.

God bless you,


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