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Summary of Question:Re: Places For Sikhs To Visit Without Ridicule
Date Posted:Thursday, 5/26/2005 8:47 PM MDT

Sat Nam.

Come on out to Niagara Falls! On either the New York or Canadian side, you'll find people of so many backgrounds that it looks like a meeting of the United Nations, and a small but thriving Sikh Community. Seeing people wearing bana is not uncommon, and no one says a word. My husband is a turbanned sardar himself, and we have never had any trouble. And believe me, there is nothing like seeing the Falls up close: there is good reason it's one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the world. Agnostics who visit leave there believing in God. Who cannot glorify their divine creator, when they look into the mist and see a rainbow, and know that behind the beauty there is great power?

If you come out our way, look up the Western New York Sikh Society, or the Sikh Cultural & Education Center, both a few miles outside Buffalo. We'll give you a warm welcome!

Blessed be,

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