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Summary of Question:Parents Arguing
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 11/06/2004 1:50 PM MDT

Hi I am a sikh.

My nanke have done amrit but my dads family havent and arent very religous. However i am only 15 and my parents are always arguing. it is very upsetting. Help! what should i do?

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Of course it's upsetting when parents argue all the time. I'm really sorry you have to live through this. There isn't much you can do except stay out of it, and pray for them. Pray for peace and harmony in your home, and take refuge in the Guru's words by reciting your banis every day. Focus on your school, prepare yourself for a career, and know that YOU ARE A SIKH (as you said!) and that this time will pass and you will grow up and can live a life in peace and tranquility. Send loving thoughts and prayers to/for your parents, and ask God and Guru to bless them. All that happens around us, outside of us, is temporary and just as there are some movies that are tragedies and some are comedies, similarly, the dramas in people's lives are just the playing out of karma. You must be strong and patient, and keep your faith that you are in this situation to learn how to be calm in the midst of confusion. Life is a school, and we are all here learning lessons. I'm sorry you have such a difficult one at home, and my prayers are with you to have the stamina to go through it and be grateful that it is not you who is arguing! God bless you, and Guru sustain you. SP

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