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Summary of Question:How Do We Know There Is A God?
Date Posted:Sunday, 6/16/2002 2:13 PM MDT

how do you know there is a god? there is no proof of him. most everything we experience can be explained by science... people say that there is a god because if there wasnt, how did the universe become created and how did man arise? but there are other theories such as the one at this site... http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9917/evolution/cosmogony.html the information at that site is true (i have verified it). "its not abut getting something from nothing, its about getting one zero energy system from another" (since gravity is a negwative energy force). this is just a theory, but "God" is a theory also. the origin of man, however, has not been addressed by science yet... but it is being researched. but why do we automatically put all our faith into "god" if there is no proof, and he is just a theory? ... when there r so many theories to be discovered? RELIGION ANSWERS QUESTIONS WITHUT ANY PROOF OR RESEARCH, BUT SCIENCE ANSWERS QUESTIONS THROGH THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD, SO ANY CONCLUSION THAT SCIENCE COME ABOUT HAVE HARD EVIDENCE BEHIND THEM. I want to fully believe in god, but how can i when there r so many better theories?

My reply will probably not satisfy you, but I'd like to share what makes sense to me. There are theories and theories. Science changes its "beliefs" year to year, and certainly you are free to believe whatever you like. But God is not to be "believed in," but to be experienced. So, if you like the scientific method, then have enough faith to try an experiment in the laboratory of your own mind and soul, and see what you experience through 40 days of reading aloud from Siri Guru Granth Sahib at least one hour per day. Even just reciting Japji Sahib (there's a very good English translation on SikhNet) will illumine your mind. Guru Nanak EXPERIENCED God as his very own permanent identity (SAT NAM) and wrote about his experience to inspire us to have that same experience. Every time you inhale, you are experiencing the presence of the One Creator - that force, or consciousness, or intelligence or energy that G enerates, O rganizes, and then either D elivers or D estroys all of His (Its) creation, including you and me. We live and breathe and think only so long as GOD wills to continue experiencing His creation through us. Learn to meditate, go within your own soul and find the answers -- you won't ever find it intellectually - because that is limited perception. Anyway, I'll end with a cliche I use constantly in teaching: "Doing is believing." May God bless you and help you discover that eternal Truth within your own being. GOD is not outside you. EK ONG KAR - SAT NAM. SP

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