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Summary of Question:Weird Looks....
Date Posted:Wednesday, 5/18/2005 3:56 AM MDT

well i'm a turbanned sikh who used to trim my beard in order to look good but then i developed a "I dont give a f@*k" attitude and started to grow my beard, i dont usually care about what people think about problem is that when im walking down the street or am in a shopping centre people are always giving me a 'weird' look. Most of the time people dont realise they are doing it i think its because ive always looked diiferent to everyone else it is a behaviour in other people i can recognise quickly and it does make me slightly paranoid. Also when im at the gurwara people are always looking at me in a weird way, maybe because im not good looking or something, and it really gets to me. The gurwara i go to,in East London,the people who mostly go there are middle aged men and women not that many young people my age and its like the minute i walk in people look in my direction even when there are other guys who are wearing a turban behind me. i am starting to think there is something wrong me because im the only one who gets these looks (i dont think my brother has this problem). These "wierd looks" are starting to get to me.


Stop assuming that people are looking at you because something is wrong. Maybe they are looking at you because you look great, maybe because they admire your courage to keep your identity, maybe because you look graceful, maybe because they are curious. Just be yourself and make your self look clean, graceful, loving and with integrity. If you are paranoid, you will act that way, so drop the paranoa. Be positive, friendly and open. I always explain why I look the way I do. Most people are curious and appreciate when I explain to them. I have had some wonderful conversations and then people open up to me about themselves as well. So go out there and enjoy your identity and life. GTKK

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