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Summary of Question:Need Guidance
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 5/22/2003 9:22 AM MDT

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

i am currently at sixth form and i am just about to sit my A level exams. the thing is i dont no what i want to do after my exams. i certainly know that i do not want to go uni, well not yet anyway not for a good couple of years, but apart from that i dont no what to do in my life and i'm scared that if i dont go to uni i wont be able to get a good job which i will enjoy. i dont want a job that will rum my life just something where i can earn a decent wage and switch of from to concentrate on the more important things in life. i feel so confused and scared.

i would be extremley happy if you could offer me some advice or tell me of some paart or meditation etc which i could do to help me sort myself out and get some guidance from god, nehting which u think will help me please.

waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh


Your mind is so full of information for your exams, you couldn't possibly be clear about what you want in your life. My advise to you is to finish your exams and take some time to just have some fun, relax and live a normal life. Talk to a lot of people about what they do in their they like it...the pros and cons, etc. You will know what you want, just give your self some time and space. Reading from the Guru will help as well. GTKK

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