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Summary of Question:Intellect
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 11/13/2005 11:43 PM MST

I have posted this question before but no one has responded and I desperatly need help with my situation. If anyone can please please please help me with this problem, I would GREATLY appreciate it!! :)

this is my situation:
i am a 18 and am going to a university....i am by no means the SMARTEST kid in the school, never was, never will be....but i am not dumb as a rock either...i am somewhere in between....butl, i feel like an idiot when i am surrounded by so many smart people...i really really really feel bad and feel like i am nothing...and on top of this....i dont have a job...never really had one bc my parents haven’t said anything about it...i took advantage of this bc this way i could have more time to study ...but i am constantly studying ...usually i dont even get time to help my mom like i did before in elementary and junior high with household chores ...i feel soooooo bad about this BUT i also realize that i am not very smart and need to work constantly so i am make my parents proud and live up to the society's expectations... i feel so selfish ...i also feel so bad when other kids work AND do school work and STILL do better than me!!! i spend all of my time studying and get not much out of it! why is that i try this hard and still dont do as well as i like? one of my BIGGEST dream in life is become successful and make my parents proud of do i get started on this dream??? will God help me in this dream if i put all my faith in him??? what is the key that will give me success in my situation?

how do i deal w/ these emotions and this there any padth I can do that will help me be a little bit smarter???? i am desperate to tell you the truth. i need guidance...please please help!

thank so much for your time and help~ I really do appreciate any words of wisdom and guidance.
God Bless...
Sat sri akal


There may be a path to do, but I am going to give you some practical suggestions. 1- diet. Do you eat a lot of sugar? You need to eat healthy food that will give your brain food. Sugar will make you scattered and lack concentration. It gives you a quick energy boost, but then you crash and are more tired. You need protein and vegetables, fresh vegetables that haven't had their vitamins and minerals cooked out of them. 2- Exercise. You need to exercise and sweat. Your brain needs blood circulation, which exercise and breathing deeply will give it. 3- Rest. You brain needs rest. Make sure you are getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night. 4- Positive thoughts. Stop the self-negative talk. You are not stupid. Tell your self things like, "I am smart. I can do all of my work effeciently and well." When ever you have a negative thought, cut it with a deep breath and "Sat Nam Wahe Guru." 5- Look at your study habits and how you spend your time. You may be wasting time. 6- Take up a hobby that relaxes your brain, so that when you study, you are fresh and ready. 7- a small job so you can make money might be just what you feel the joy and pride of earning your own money. 8- Brain Balancing Meditation. I am going to give you a meditation that will balance your brain and help you study better, more efficiently. Hand Mudra - Press the thumb and pinkie together and mentally chant in your head "Sa", next press the thumb and index finigers together and mentally chant in your head "Ta." Next, press the thumb and ring fingers and mentally chant "Na" then press thumb and index fingers again and mentally chant "Ma." Then, press the thumb and middle fingers together and mentally chant "Wha," then press thumb and pinkie and mentally chant "He" and lastly while mentally chanting "Guru" shoot the fingers open. Then start over again. Breath technique. Do one short inhale sniff for each "Sa, Ta, Na, Ma, Wha, He" (so six short inhale sniffs). On "Guru" exhale powerfully and completely. Start out slowly to make sure you are doing it correctly, then build up to doing it very quickly. Begin with 3 minutes, building up to 11 minutes a sitting. Do once or twice a day. The eyes are focused at the third eye point (between the eye brows, about 1/4 inch up on the forehead.) Feel your brain, left and right, balancing. When you are done, put your finger tips together and feel your brain balanced, then interlace your fingers and give a squeeze and feel balanced. This meditation will work, if you do it consistantly. Good luck. Blessings. GTKK

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