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Summary of Question:Reply "Excluded Because Of Mental Illness"
Date Posted:Wednesday, 9/04/2002 3:29 AM MDT

I would like to add something to the reply given to the Sikhnee "Excluded Because of mental Illness", that never loose faith in God. Paaths are the Only Solution to all your worries. My situation had been same till recent past. In my case our mother brought us up with hardwork and we now are finding ourselves stable. We have never been fortunate enough to get love & support from our father.

There is a huge difference in a person who says something and do something else. Its not the matter of Sikhs only. And never ever takes their words as Final. Final result always be given by Wahe Guru,Guru never want us to get fail in any way. I can pray for your Mother. Im not the right person but i can say that "Dukh Panjani sahib path" is a very powerful paath for these ups & down. God Bless You !!!

Thank you. Good advice on the Dukh Bhanjan shabd!

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