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Summary of Question:Can Sikhs Practice Culture And Religion?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 10/22/2001 12:02 AM MDT

waheguru ji ka Khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

i was wondering if a full sikh could also be involved in cultural stuff like indian dancing and music basically punjabi culture i have asked some people and they said that dancing is not allowed in sikhi and also listening to punjabi music or watching movies is that true? and they also said that we cant do all the rituals that punjabi do at an indian wedding if they are sikh i am sooo confused so we are only supposed to concentrate on relgion and forget about the culture please help?


Sat Siri Akaal Ji:

I have often wondered where it is written that Sikhs cannot dance Bhangra? I have heard this but not seen it written in a Rehit or in Siri Guru.

The issue is not culture vs. religion, it is ritual and dogma vs. spirituality. You can be a very spiritual person, practice the Naam and do your banis daily and still enjoy dancing Bhangra with your community. This does not make you a bad Sikh! What the wise Gursikh does is look at the meanings and the message behind any cultural practice (Punjabi or otherwise) and asks herself: does this pollute my mind? Does this elevate me/us? Does this elevate men at the expense of women (what some Punjabi marriage practices do). Does this (movie/song, etc) make me/us sad or angry? Do the song's lyrics mistreat women or disrespect others in some way? I think questions like this should be your guide to what is appropriate to do or not do that is cultural, not Sikh.

As for marriage practices from Punjab, some of them honor or elevate the groom (man) over the bride (woman). It is inappropriate for a Sikh to encourage or insist on such practices, because in Guru's eyes, the bride is equal to the groom in ALL things. For example, when everyone looks at the groom as he comes to the Gurdwara, while the woman is holed up somewhere as if she doesn't exist. Concerning children: Is it correct to praise the birth of a son and ignore the birth of a daughter, who is a princess? So ask yourself if such things are appropriate for a full Sikh to observe.

Guru rakha,

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