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Summary of Question:Does God Test People?
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/05/2003 10:13 AM MDT

I consider myself quite religious or i should say spiritual. Spirituality is great and i love it. i am dying to find out something within myself. I love to talk to people who are just good (honest, respectful, loveable- that is good from their heart). they are natural not superficial. they do not do things to impress their surroundings.

My question is - can you provide the lists of Godly people, i mean saints or mahapurush (don't say that we are all Godly). Saints are human but different in their character. they are special and have high regards in my heart. But how to find them.
Secondly- do you think that good people suffer more or go through more adversaries because GOD take tests? Tests are difficult to pass. Should we pray that Dear God, i don't know where i am going, i dont know i am worth to ask your presence in my heart but i do have desire to love you and i want you in my life. Please make me worthy of this.

Sat Siri Akaal. If you can't see God in all, you can't see God at all. Japji tells us in pauris 17-19 about all the kinds of people who are on this planet, because of God's Hukum. That said, I understand that what you are talking about is the radiance that one feels from honest, God-loving spiritual people. No, there is no list. To find them you first and foremost continue with your own spiritual practice. Secondly you pray for opportunities to be in the company of the holy. REcognize that the most humble person can have darshan. I once gave money to a street beggar in Washington DC, who looked at me with such delight and light in his eyes and said "thank you." Well let me tell you, I was the one who felt blessed, not because of the donation, but because of the response that hit me right in the heart. So this darshan you are seeking you will find in the most 'unlikely' places.
God does not necessarily give good people more tests. Now, be aware that those whose purpose is to be a spiritual guide to others may have some really serious tests to undergo to test their courage conviction and humility. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, others all had these kinds of tests. I'm not talking about these very special types of people in regards to your question, but wanted to mention about them.
Everyone born on this planet has accounts to pay: karma. People who choose to live dharma (no matter what the actual spiritual path or practice they have) and who practice spirituality, their karma is shifted into dharma. Then God leads those people into situations that are not necessarily karmic, but that allow that person to SERVE and to of course, learn (call it schoolhouse earth) something important to that person's purpose. People who don't have a path or don't put spirituality into practice are going to experience karma: personal, family, group. To our eyes sometimes it seems that good people have all the bad stuff happen to them. But never presume to know God's purpose for them, or the lessons the soul(s) of those people want them to learn. You cannot know the karma those folks came in with! A really wonderful person may have been a serial killer in a former life and has crummy things happen to him/her as the way that karmic account is paid. God is so merciful, instead of subjecting that person to being murdered for several lifes, the karma became one of having crummy things happen. We don't know. It's not for us to know. It's for us to recognize that a debt is being paid, to remember God, thank Him that it's not worse, and make the most of the situation by responding to it the best we can so we can complete the karma and not relive it again in some other situation.

The prayer you suggest is just fine for going through tests. Whatever your heart leads you to pray/say, is appropriate. Guru ang sang,

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