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Summary of Question:How To Convert To Sikhism
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/06/2003 1:45 PM MST

Dear Sikhnet,

I have a hindu boyfriend and he wishes to convert into sikhism before we get married! He does not however want to become a strict vegetarian or wear a turban but he would like to call himself a sikh. How will he be able to become a follower of sikhism?
Thank you

(REPLY) Sat Nam. The fundamental commitment of a Sikh is to worship ONLY the One God, and to bow ONLY to Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Sikhs do not worship the pantheon of gods and goddesses that are part of the Hindu tradition. I suggest you go to the home page of SikhNet website, and find the link to the Sikh Dharma manual, so you can read more about what it means to be a Sikh. Sikhs are not supposed to cut their hair. Sikh men wear turbans. (Unfortunately,some don't). There are other symbols of the religion you should learn about. Your boyfriend can "call" himself a Sikh, but his identity as a Sikh is a matter of his own commitment and consciousness. He might also go to a Gurdwara, and speak to the people there. Blessings, SP

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