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Summary of Question:Anger/Letting Go
Date Posted:Thursday, 7/28/2005 1:42 PM MDT

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ke Fateh!

I have been a firm believer in the fact that whatever happens as per Guru's will. I also think its a great thing, because whatever happens will be based on what our Father (Guru ji) feels is right, leaving us with a faith that no matter what, we are always going to be taken care, and everything will be done in our best interest.
This philosphy has time and time again proven itself to me, without fail. I have found in situations that i try and take to much control, the outcome is not favorable and I feel awful at the end of it all.

However, I am presently going through a situation where I have been feeling very controlling about a situation with a significant other, and am feeling a degree of anger towards them. Thoughts and communications get clouded when anger gets involved. I want to go and talk about whats troubling me with an opne mind, with love, and not worry about the outcome. But I feel very little love, affection and a higher degree of resentment, when i feel like talking to this person.
I really need advise on how to bring back my faith, in letting things fall into place on there own, and talking and conveying my issues to this person with an open mind. Is there a path I can do to eliminate this feeling of resentment and handing it over to Guru ji. Please advise. Please!


Sat Nam. I have a couple of suggestions. If you have access to a Guru, begin doing a Sahej Path. Read a little every day and watch your consciousness change. Or, chant Mulhmantra a minimun of 108 times a day...more is better. You don't have to be sitting to do it. You can do it while doing other things...not driving. Or recite Japji 11 times a day...or choose one or more Pauris from Japji that really speak to you, maybe the "manais" Pauri 12-15. Do an Ardas with the prayer of your resolution every day. I hope this helps you. Blessings. GTKK

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