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Summary of Question:Am I Being Lustful?
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Friday, 11/08/2002 10:47 AM MST

Sat Sri Akal,

I wish to remain annoynmous. I am 21 years old and I have met a girl that I think is right for me. She is respectful, family and religion orientated. She is also sikh. She has got a great personality.

The thing is she hasnt got much, how can I put this this, 'bumbs and curves'. She is a pretty girl but I'm not sure if I am attracted to her. How important is attraction in marriage? Shouldn't you be attracted to the person that you get married to? If there is no attraction, will this not lead to problems later on in life? (i.e. making love) But I am very much attracted to her personality.


(REPLY) Sat Nam. The physical attraction that you are missing is something that seems very desirable, but unfortunately it seldom lasts! A satisying and enjoyable sex life is an important part of marriage, but that can and probably will evolve out of the relationship that sounds pretty good otherwise! People who get married just because they are physically attracted to each other are on shaky grounds, because that excitement wears off. But if she is pretty, and intelligent and you like her personality, and she's a Sikh and you share common values and goals in life -- that's a really great foundation for a happy marriage. The movies have made "romance" seem way more important than it actually is. There's a big difference between romance and reality! I certainly hope this works out well for you. Blessings, SP

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