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Summary of Question:Confused-2
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 6/04/2002 7:56 PM MDT

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh..

I asked a question on 5/18/02 under the title which i said that i was just loosing the gursikhi life...I'm still in a very confused state of mind..I still do amrit wela and simran but nothing is helping at this point...i do ardaas with probably every breath i take...but my condition's just getting worse and worse every single day...I kept so much patience but at this point my mind is turning the other way now...i'm at a point where i just want to leave everything(meaning leaving all simran and naam)...but the back of my head just wouldnt let me do it..i'm just stuck in the middle.....Please tell me what else can i do? How can i have patience when every single day my mind is turning more and more towards the world and away from god?? i just dont know what to do? Please someone...i know you guys tried to help and gave an answer before but i just dont know what to do anymore...Please try to hlep me one more time...

Dear Sweet daughter,

Greetings to you in the Name of God the life of every soul and in the Name of Guru the life of every Sikh.

I am so glad that you have not given up on us or on yourself. These times are very challenging times for all. Sometimes we get locked up in our process and we need to make a change and refresh ourselves. You can try going out for a 4 mile walk/ run and get your blood and circulation going.

At the same time, I have a very powerful meditation for you to do. It will cut through the doubt of your mind and your negative psyche. Mind is fed by feelings. Your mind is getting the best of you and running you ragged. The gremlins in your mind are filling you with all kinds of wrong meassages. Tell them to "bug off".

There is a very special meditation in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib called" Sudarshan Chakra Kriya".This will cut through all the negativity of your mind and bring you clarity.

The shabd from which it comes is written on page 1106 of the SGGS. A prayer written by Jai Dev..............He says, the breath is drawn in through the left nostril(close off the right nostril with the thumb) and you hold the breath in.... while you mentally recite "Waheguru" 16 you pump the naval center in and out on each 'waheguru'. Then you exhale through the right nostril(close off the left nostril with the fingers). The eyes should be focused at the tip of the nose. This is like a drunk stare with the eyes 9/10ths closed.

Continue the breathing and Wahe Guru for 11 minutes. This is a meditation for 40 days. Create a quiet meditative space in your home where you can sit without interruption to do this meditation. You should sit on the floor (carpet, or pillow) with your spine straight, shoulders and head relaxed. Start out the meditation for 11 minutes at a sitting. Work your way up to 31 minutes at a sitting. If you like this meditation you can continue daily for 90 days. You can even do 61 minutes a day. Watch the clarity and strength it brings to your life. It will restore you and give you the creativity to be successful in your life. WHEN YOU COMPLETE THE MEDITAION..............SPEND AT LEAST 11 MINUTES ON YOUR BACK/EYES COSED AND DEEPLY RELAX. Feel great!!!!! Feel yourself complete as a woman, feel yourself loved and respected!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you finish, you can take a hukam from Jap Ji in English so you can understand what the Guru is saying to you. If you have an English translation of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, even better!

The translation of Jai Dev is:
"The breath is drawn in by the left nostil . It is retained in the Shushmana and is breathed out by the right nostril uttering 16 times the Lord's Name.

Breaking my power, I have become powerless. I have made my unstable mind stable and my unfashioned soul fashioned. In this way do I drink the Nectar.

Within my mind I contemplate the Primal Lord, the source of Virtue.

The appearance that You and I are separate, I have now removed. Pause.

I worship the One who is worthy of worship, I trust Him who is worthy of trust. And like water in water, I have merged in God.

Says Jaidev, I have meditated on the Triumphant, Luminous Lord and becoming absorbed in His Love, I have obtained the detached Lord.

In the Name of the Cosmos which prevails through everyBody and the Holy Naam which holds the world,

Sat Kirin Kaur Khalsa

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