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Summary of Question:Please Help A.S.A.P!
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/22/2007 11:00 AM MDT

I would like to begin by saying that this is one amazing website and I have been sitting on my computer for the past 2-3 hours reading old forums others have written.

It is very well developed and very helpful. But my problem is SLIGHTLY different but still simiiar to a lot others.

I am 22 years old and in grad school and my boyfriend is 25 and a network engineer. We are both sikh and come from great families and have been here for over 20 years. Everything is the same as far as education , status, religion, culture, age etc. We have been dating for over a year and know that there is no one else in this world that we want to spend our lives with. His parents have known about us and accept us. They love me and cant wait till were married. However, my parents just found out 2 days ago and have taken me to hell and back. They have locked me in my room, starved me and abused me several times. My dad almost tried choking me and killing me. I DONT UNDERSTAND what is SO BAD about this?!

My mom said that no matter what happens I cant marry the one that I want to because I CHOSE HIM and they didnt. THey havent even met him or seen him or his family. They dont even care about him right now. Their hurt that I did this behind their back as they are very very strict. like everyone else's parents their worried and scared about what our relatives will say about this. For the first time in my life I am scared to be in my own house. I DO NOT AND WILL NOT run away because I am not going to hurt their prestige in any way. I just want them to be happy for me and marry me off to him. What should I DO? his parents are willing to talk to my parents but I dont think they should do it right away as my parents will blow up on his parents.

I know that with time everything will calm down a bit but until it doesnt I am living through hell and I just dont know how much more beating I can take!

Also they said that this is the last semester that I'll go to school (which ends in May) and after that their locking me inside the house and I cant even finish my masters degree.
I have been doing paath as much as I can. I am continuing to do my Japji Sahib and Rehraas Sahib but also doing Dukh Bhanjani Sahib 5 times.What else can I do?
Can someone please help me before its too late and I decided to make decisions in a mental state that will hurt me later in the future?!

These are good things to do, but I also recommend meditating/doing naam simran, and do it together in a neutral place. ANd pray for a miracle. Chant dhan dhan Ram Das Gur shabd 11 times a day for peaceful resolution of the situation.
Guru ang sang,

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