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Summary of Question:Re:Regarding Love
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 4/25/2004 5:18 PM MDT

Sat Naam!

I was not referring to love that exists between parents and children nor was I referring to true love. Parental love is non-questionable and is by all means the best gift of nature. The "non-sense" love that I referred to was the sugarcoated "love" where the ultimate intention was not good. It was not pure love. It was a love that deceives the intellect. But our Waheguru is great, he gave us the powerful word. I learnt from this website that if you use the shabad Guru, " Nanak bhagta sada vigas suniay dukh paap ka naas" then you can know the true meaning of words. I uttered these words slowly in my mind before speaking to this person and I was saved from the ill-intentions of this person. It was a shock since the person had acted to be very nice for such a long time. It took a while to come out of the "spell" of his charm but I was able to. Now every morning I wake up, I thank the Waheguru countless times. It is true, "Jin Ke Ram vasay man mahai, na oh maray na thagay jae". If you have been lucky with true love then you are truly blessed. But I consider myself blessed too because Guru was able to show me the way and the truth.
God Bless You


Thank you for your inspiration...of how you are using Shabd Guru to serve you in your daily prevent disaster in your stay centered in your identity and ultimate Truth. Blessings. GTKK

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