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Summary of Question:Over-Zealous
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 7/17/2005 9:30 AM MDT

Ok, I was at the Gurudwara in a Gatka Class. There are alot of kids i'd say 12 years old and upwards. I was having a discussion with some older kids 17 - 19 years old. This discussion was about wearing a turban. I became over zealous, and egotistical, and began to explain the benefits of a turban in protecting against lethal attacks that can be executed with the bear hands. In explaining this I started to demostrate this attacks, on the execution and mechanics. Long story short the young kids had gathered around and listened in very carefully. I made really stupid mistake, and am feeling gulity, paranoid, fearful, that these youg kids could potential hurt someone in the playground. As soon as I had come off my ego trip,and realised what how reckless, irresponsible i had been. I think, and hope the kids have probably forgotten, and afterwards i kept saying never do anything like that to anyone, but all I can do ensure nothing happens is pray. Any advice


Learn from your error. When you see those kids, reinforce what you said to them. There are so many other reasons for the turbin...reinforce those reasons as well. One, the turbin can vibrationally protect you from harm, so you won't need to protect yourself physically. It increases your aura and projection. Worn with grace and pride, it can increase self-esteem and personal presence. Don't worrry, God will give you lots of chances to teach and correct any errors. Be an uplifting and inspiring leader. Blessings. GTKK

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