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Summary of Question:Pets
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/27/2002 8:19 PM MDT

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I am a 16 year old girl who loves all kinds of animals especially dogs. My family immigrated to Canada five months ago. When I was in India I had a dog who I loved very much. When I had to leave him, I was crying. Someone told me that it is not appropriate to cry or feel sad for a pet. Someone had once told me that it's not right to keep pets. But our Gurus had animal hospitals. I am really confused about it. Showing love to all living beings is a very good thing but can't you just love animals like you love people too?


There has been a lot of research on the contribution animals and pets have given us. Wild animals need to be respected and protected. Can you imagine a world without animals? And, they keep the balance in nature. As far as pets, there has also been research done on the value of them. Just recently, there have been articles about children exposed to pets in their first year of life and therefore being more immuned to allergies. Pets have saved people's lives; pets have comforted and been a best friend. When my dog, Bibi, died a few years ago, I cried more than when a relative died. Why? Bibi was my best friend. She loved me unconditionally, without judgement or requirements. Just because I am, she loved me. Animals teach us valuable lessons in love, companionship, loyalty, patients, etc, etc. My present dog, Sukhi, is a therapy dog. She goes into hospitals and nursing homes and comforts people.
There has been research done, showing that people's immune systems work better if the person has a pet to love and touch. Don't you think pets deserve to be loved back, protected and treated well? The people who are telling you that pets don't count are missing something very special in their lives. Don't listen to them. You know what's right.

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