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Summary of Question:Confused -_-'
Date Posted:Wednesday, 11/03/2004 4:57 PM MDT

i'm really really confused right now. argh. i'm confused about this " not cutting your hair from any part of your body thing" i'm 17 and i just entered uni. i've been brought up in a gursikh family. i really value my identity and all that. but now, i feel as if i'm just too hairy....i mean, back home i'd wear shorts, go swimming and stuff and i didn't give a damn as to what other people thought. but now, i think if other girls can look so good, then why not me? ( yes, i do believe that girls look better without facial hair)

i mean, will it really make a difference if i remove my facial hair and start waxing and stuff? i'd still be me, won't I? but then deep down, i don't want to do it. i don't want to do anything against the beliefs that my parents instilled in me. and i'm asking you to help me find out why i should not give in.

my friends aren't much of a help since they're not Sikhs, they don't understand. sometimes, i think: what world am i lving in? wake up gurl, nobody likes you for who you are anymore, it's all about looks.

but then is it? are there still genuine sikh guys out there, who'd still accept you no matter how hairy you are?

i don't understand what's gotten into me. i don't know why i care so much about how i look now...... maybe it's part of growing up? i'm really pissed at myself for thinking about waxing and all this but i can't help it. please help me become a loyal Sikh. i'm really scared i might go wayward.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. It's not easy to be "different." But you obviously know what's right, and the values your parents gave you, and your soul's understanding of your identity as a Sikh shall sustain you! Appearance seems to matter a lot when you're young, but in the long run, it is character, courage, dignity and divinity that are important. A person has to live according to his/her highest understanding, or self-esteem is lost. Where there is faith, there is no fear! So hold fast to your wise understanding, and have the courage of a daughter of Guru Gobind Singh. May God bless you and Guru stand by your side and guide you in righeousness. SP

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