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Summary of Question:Re:Answer To Those Who Critized My Love
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/02/2005 4:52 AM MDT


I am writing in response to the young girl (Sonia) wanting to marry a non-Sikh. I feel that a lot of people are condemning her and being rather judgmental of her situation.

-Is it not Human love that helps us develop divine love
(is that not what our Sikh marriage ceremony is about?)

Somebody wrote that as a Sikh
"....she would never have thought of getting married to a Muslim"
-in the bigger picture here, is the Muslim not part of the creation?
-is he first a Muslim or a Man?
(I would say a Man with a soul, same as a Sikh Mans)
-are all Muslims 'bad' (wanting to convert people)?

Ultimately we are under Hukham, and Sonia meeting and being with this Muslim guy is Gods Will. They both may think that they had control over it but they don't, as Jap Ji Sahib tells us!
If something is not meant to be - it wouldn't have been!

I personally feel it is anti-Sikh building barriers and confining people to them and telling them "No you can’t mix!"
-who says that you can't mix, and that it’s wrong?
You should always trust your gut instincts, because they are true messages to you.

I'm not trying to encourage people to go ahead and marry non-Sikhs,
I have read the whyichosesikhism website, and I have also been ‘interrogated’ about my Sikhism by Muslim boys. I am simply asking people to open their minds a little.
It might actually be true love, just because it’s something we wouldn’t do, it doesn’t make it wrong.

I also feel that there is a lot of blame being passed to girls in general, what about the guys??!
The only difference these days is that the girls go ahead and marry the guys they have been dating whereas a lot of guys feel a tremendous need to please their parents!!
(Me being very judgmental!!!)

Anyway I am sorry if I have caused any offence to anyone, I felt a strong need to contribute to this particular discussion.


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