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Summary of Question:Converting
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 2/05/2003 6:04 AM MST

Sat sri akal,

i've found your website really helpfull in the past. I have two questions for you.
the first is can other religions convert into sikhism?
what does Simran mean? i know itz got sumthin 2 do wit prayer but want 2 know what actually means.
thanx. hope u can reply soon.

(REPLY) Sat Nam (that means "Truth is your Identity/Truth is God's Name!) Anyone who wants to be a Sikh can do so. A Sikh means a "student of Truth" and there are specific guidelines for Sikhs, a code of conduct to follow to live the life of a Sikh. I never think of it as "converting" because that implies someone trying to make you change. I think that those souls who feel attracted to the spirit of what our Gurus taught, and are still teaching us (!) are those who must have been Sikhs in some past life, and are simply returning home to Sikh Dharma in this lifetime. "Simran" literally means "remembering" and repeating, reciting God's Name. I hope this helps clarify for you. blessings, SP

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