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Summary of Question:Music And Sikhism
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 4/13/2007 6:49 AM MDT

Sat sri akal,

I had a few questions on my mind and was wondering if you could help me.
Im 17 and i am begining to make University choices. One of my main passions is music and i am hoping to study it in university. I play the trumpet (along with several other instruments) and have an extreme fondness of Jazz music. I know that there are hardly any sikh jazz musicians and i want to know if i am making the right decision. Most of my sikh friends think that im acting crazy by playing a trumpet and studying music, but i have a real passion for it. Ive been playing since i was 7 and i'm in a succesful band. I dont want to be a bad sikh and i do not know whether by playing jazz in the band if am doing something that i am not meant to do.
Music from different cultures intrigues me so much. Music from africa, hawaii, india even classical music.
Everyone else i talk to thinks i should give up playing and just focus on getting a real job. (please dont get confused, i dont want to be in a jazz band for a living, i want to study music and see where it takes me). I want to spend my life doing what i love, but will doing what i love conflict with my religion?
I dont know whether the Sikhism will allow me to become a student of music in a westernised society. Please give me your views on this, i need to make my choices quickly!
Dear one,
this is interesting because in our religion musicians are professional and do earn their living as Ragi's.

In your case, you are persuing something that you love and this is different than becoming a dotor because you want to make a lot of money. So be very clear that your goal is to deeply study and understand music. Also, you can seriously consider and take up the study of Raag and Shabd kirtan at Guru Nanak Dev University and Punjabi University in Patiala as well as a few other Universities around the world that I am not knowing about. Or, even study for a year or 2 with an Ustaad. Then pursue your University degree for your livlihood and have fulfilled your music longing. Learn another instrument that is condusive to Raag. They say that Jazz and Raag are similar in that the improvisation of the music occurs in both.

So, my suggestion to you is to study music deeply, Become good at it, teach it and adapt it to YOUR SIKH lifestyle rather than adapting yourself to the music.
Be a Great Sikh and a great musician and show us.

Blessings to you,

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