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Summary of Question:I Am A Sikh But....My Family Is Not
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 6/09/2003 6:14 AM MDT

Sa Sri Akal,

I have a question that I really want to ask!

(please forgive me if my English is not 100 %)

I have a big problem that I am dealing with for months now.
I am a Sikh (my mother is Hindu) and wants to keep my religion.
But the problem is, that I am living in a society were the most people are Hindu or Muslim. My friends have these religion and it is difficult for me to stand in this. I am not ready now but I think that within some time I want to wear a turban (I haven't cut my hair for months now) Shall I continue with this?
The most of my family is Hindu and I know how they think about Sikh people. Many people here think that Sikhs are "Muslims" and some say that long hair and beard is "dirty" they also look and do strange against Sikh people, I don't know why.
Please forgive me for this hard things, I know it's not and I really want to continue my Sikh path as I know that Gurujee has give it to me.
Another problem is that I want to read the Guru Grant Sahib but I can not even talk Punjabi, I also can't read it. My father never learned me these things, I really don't know why but it's sad. But on the other hand I don't care because I want to learn it for myself.
Can you please give me answer? I really want to be a true Sikh but I am standing alone. I want to visit a Gurduwara but I am afraid that they will reject me because I can't speak Punjabi.

Thank you for your time.

Sat Siri Akaal. Veerji, if you are called to be Sikh, then be Sikh. It's not the life you lead, but the courage your bring to it. Be a Singh and be a Sikh. The first thing you need to do is get to a gurdwara, because you need the Sangat. My own experience of being a lone Sikh and showing up at Gurdwara got me so much support, I cannot describe it. People offered to come get me to make sure I could attend on Sunday. Sangat will give you the support you need to follow this Guru, because Sangat is a key element of being Sikh. It is very hard to be a Sikh alone!

Keep your hair, and get others in the gurdwara to help you with your first turban. This is an honor, to help someone be Sikh. There is no shame in this!!!

I guess you are not in India, which means that wherever you are, there are probably OTHER youths who don't speak Punjabi and who attend Gurdwara. Many gurdwaras offer punjabi/gurmukhi classes for the children of Indian/Punjabi immigrants. This way the kids learn the alphabet and how to read. The Gurdwara members should also be able to help you with Punjabi speaking. Seems your family wanted to assimilate by not speaking Punjabi at home. This happens.

Many many Sikhs are NOT Punjabi at all. I can read SGGS in Gurmukhi--this means I can pronounce the words-- but I read an English translation to understand it. There is nothing wrong with this! The alphabet is easy to learn (as these things go). You can do it. So what if people think you are Muslim. This is merely an opportunity for you to correct them. Since the 9/11 attacks in the USA, there have been far more activities by Sikh communities in the West to inform people who Sikhs are, and to distinguish us from other religions/nationalities. It is part of being Sikh is to be identifiable. You must not feel ashamed about how you were raised. Just stand your ground in a loving manner and follow your heart to Guru's feet. Guru ang sang,

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