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Summary of Question:Re: 4 Feet Of Hair
Date Posted:Wednesday, 12/11/2002 1:36 PM MST

Last night at work I took my hair out of its bun, and my manager went wild over it. She told me how she envied my long hair and regretted cutting hers off just to please some guy. Please sister, don't cut off that hair! You'll only end up regretting it, like my boss. You have a rare gift; I imagine you must look simply glorious. Please don't toss it just for sake of human vanity. cherish it and thank Guruji for it with every brushstroke!

To make combing easier, try a leave-in conditioner from shoulder-length to ends; Paul Mitchell and Sebastian make good ones, and you can get them at many beauty salons. Pantene has a good one, check your drugstore. Work it it well (you don't need much) and your comb will glide through your beautiful hair and help avoid knotting and tangling. Also start combing from the ends, and work your way up. And last of all, DON'T GIVE IN!!! We bow our heads to God only, so don't bow to a barber.

Blessed be,


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