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Summary of Question:Marriage
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 5/19/2003 8:38 AM MDT

SSA, i searched to find my answer but couldnt find it. My question is that isnt marriage pre-determined by GOD before one comes to life. If it is , then why people go crazy for others. why people raise questions about caste system and non-sikh person or if they want to marry a certain person or no. If marriage r predetermined then we will get whoever is in our luck. then y people suffer for others and give pain to their parents.


(REPLY) Sat Nam. God has given us the ability to make choices! So, ultimately, that gift of free will is God's will. We create our karma by the actions we take, and so it goes on and on, and this is God's will, because God created the universe with these universal laws. So, what you are calling "predetermined" sounds to me like Fate, which isn't necessarily Destiny. By aspiration, by meditation, by praying to know God's will we are more likely to make the "right" choices!

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