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Summary of Question:Sikhs With Hindu Practices...
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Friday, 10/19/2001 11:53 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akal !

I am a convert to Sikhism from HInduism. In my time studying and reading the forums on this great site, I've noticed that many Sikhs tend to practice some "Hindu" rituals or beliefs. From what I have been learning of Sikhism, this is comepletely wrong. One example is of the caste system. The caste system was given to the Hindus by God. Never was it said to them to marry within their castes. This was a perversion when the Brahmans became corupt and started supressing the people. Actually traditionaly Men can marry whom ever they please but women couldnt marry below their caste. That was actually not even scripturaly sanctioned either.

As many know, Hinduism has many many rituals. These rituals tend to be performed blindly. Many don't even know their significance, only that their parents did them too. I also see Sikhs succumbing to the cultural aspect that Hinduism has had direct influence over, ie: caste system, offering incense, flowers etc. to pictures of the Gurus. From the posts I've seen, many are confused because their parents, grandparents etc. being so strong in these wrong practices.

It is now time that we as youth STAND up proud to be Sikhs. We should show by example to our families and friends what it is to be a Khalsa. WE should lovingly teach them the ways of the Gurus. They are deeply influenced by the hold that Hinduism and the smarta Brahmins have in India. It is hard to break thousands of years of influence and blind traditions. WE are the ones to break these binding beliefs and practices.

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa! Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!

You are right. Thank you.

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