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Summary of Question:Re: Confusion On Meat And Guru Nanak & Deer
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 9/23/2002 11:26 PM MDT

Guru Fateh!

Just wanted to explain to the young individual (K Singh) why Guru Nanak accepted the meat in the following Sakhi which he reiterated in his question:

"there was a hunter and he hunted and stuff he had a dead deer with him that he hunted so he wanted to matha tek to a saint but these people were like get out of here u've killed a animal so the hunter was like i want to matha tek
to a saint he saw guru nanak dev ji he was going to matha tek but he had no money so then he thought i'll give the saint my deer and he did so. guru nanak dev ji accepted the deer and then they both went on to cook up the dead deer"

The reason that Guru Nanak Dev Ji accepted the meat was that he was trying to show the so-called saints (the ones that rejected the hunter) that they are indeed NOT saints. You see, the hunter desired to seek God by giving his version of parshad to someone who he thought would lead him the way to God. By rejecting the hunter, the saints rejected the hunter's love for God. The Saints (so-called) also ridiculed him. This displayed that the saints themselves did NOT have compassion for a human (in this case, the hunter), let alone an animal. Therefore, the saints were even worse than those who ate meat. They were complete hypocrites. By accepting this "parshad" from the hunter, Guru Nanak Dev Ji was trying to tell us that an innocent person with genuine love and desire for God is much more important than a person who forgets the underlining principles of Sikhi (compassion for all) and criticizes those who do not follow the rehat. Remember, the hunter had no money and probably just gave his own family's dinner to Guru Nanak because of his love for God.
The beauty of this Sakhi is that Guru Ji utilized an already dead animal to display a wise and wonderful message . . clearly the deer did not die in vain. Yet another example of our Guru's wonderful ways. Now you tell me who was the real saint; the ones who rejected the hunter and his deer with degrading remarks or Guru Nanak who quenched the hunter's desire for God by cooking the already dead deer? By the way, Guru Ji did not eat the meat.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

THank you for your explanation. Guru ang sang,

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