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Summary of Question:Vigilantism
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 4/03/2005 1:40 AM MDT

This is really, a hypothetical question

What Sikhism's stance on vigilantism? I mean, I know it's not OK, or whatever... but sometimes when I'm reading like the newspaper or watching TV or something, and I see all these people who've done horrible things to people and they don't seem to be adequately punished, or not at all. I would never do a vigilantic thing, but, is taking the law into one's own hands, when all other methods of justice are exhausted, acceptable or not so?

(REPLY) Sat Nam. You already answered your own question. You said, "I know it's not OK..." So, correct, it's NOT OK. If anyone takes the law into their own hands, they are one step away from being terrorists. It's not up to us as private individuals to "punish", this is the job of law enforcement, and above and beyond that, God is overseeing the karmic consequences of everyone's actions. And eventually, be assured karma will be paid in the next. When Guru Gobind Singh said that only when all other means have failed, it was righteous to take up the sword, I'm sure he was speaking of self-defense,and the actions of a nation, not a few individuals taking the law into their own hands. There's a quote in the Bible, "Revenge is mine, sayeth the Lord." SP

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