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Summary of Question:Marriage And Masurbation
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Saturday, 8/25/2001 4:56 AM MDT

Waheguru Jee ka Khalsa,

Waheguru Jee kee Fateh

I am in dilemma .Please help me.I am 26 and about to get married in about two months time .Beacuse of my wrong habits ie masturbation I feel that I suffer from premature ejaculation.Now I feel that my married life would be ruined.Please suggest a remedy for this as now I am not able to concentrate on anything



Sat Nam. It is true that masturbation can affect your concentration. So, now what I would do is work on your concentration. Meditate and develop your Third Eye point. So how to do that? Sit with a straight spine, either sitting in a chair or on the floor, cross-legged, hands folded in your lap. Begin taking long and deep breaths. As you inhale, mentally chant Sat, as you exhale, mentally chant Nam. With your eyes 9/10 open, focus at the tip of your nose. This eye position will not be comfortable, it will pull on the optic nerve and create a sort of pain or sensation of a block...just keep focusing. After about a minute the uncomfortable feeling will be relieved. Keep breathing and mentally chanting. Practice this for 3 minutes a day, working up to 11 minutes a day. After you practice this for a few days, weeks, you will feel a pulsating at the Third Eye point, which probably means that your 3rd eye is opening, your pituitary gland is secreting. Eat garlic, onions and ginger to build up your ojas
energy, but DON'T MASTURBATE. When you are horney, go take a cold shower or jog or do something else physical. There are other meditations we have presented on this Sikhnet. Look them up and start practicing them. Teach these meditations to your fiance. Your married life and sex life will be better if you are connecting with her on a deeper, spiritual level. You will regain your concentration and then when you get married and are having a sexual life, relax and enjoy. when you are making love to your wife, help yourself not ejaculate prematurely by breathing slowing and going slowly in sex. Take your time...there's no hurry. Good Luck. GTKK

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