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Summary of Question:Re:When To Just Stop Thinking !!
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 1/10/2004 12:32 AM MST

guru fateh..

hi there!
i really liked the way you wrote your question. you seem like a very interesting person. trust me, you are almost there.. as in you've almost found yourself. Being funny.. joking around is part of who you are. But may be stop judgin all the guys who come in your life. you dont have to trust anyone.. juts try not judgin and just become friends.. try to catch him in different situations and observe how he reacts.. became any guy you'll meet will try to impress you and show the positive/impressive characteristics about himself.. its only by becoming friends with him u'll find out how he handles different situations.. and u'll know its mr.right when u'll start become more open with him and u'll act urself and u can talk about anything possible in this world, to me. Remember just stay layed back.. be cool about stuff... dont think of all the guys as a stereo type. who knows.. may be some day .. sooner or later u'll collide with mr.right.
good luck with everything.. take care sis!

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