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Summary of Question:Important Aspect Of Sikhism
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 6/05/2003 5:50 PM MDT

I just wanted to day something about one of the most important features of Sikhism: Service to the less fortunate. I've heard many Sikhs talk about how proud they are to be Sikh, but I've never seen one helping distribute food to the homeless, I've never seen one helping the handicapped, visiting orphanages and nursing home to put a smile on other's faces.

What I wanted to say is that the basic conscept of Sikhism comes down to loving God, and this is a very important way of expressing your love to Him by showing love to His creations. I think God will be very happy with you if instead of buying yourself the latest fashion or a new CD player, and donating that money to someone who doesn't have any clothes to wear. Instead of sitting on your couch and watching T.V., you can take a parent-less kid out to watch a movie with you.

So many people need you out there! And no, the government doesn't take care of them. Maybe slightly, but surveys say otherwise. 100,000 children in the US wake up homeless each morning. Every 17 days, a woman dies because of domestic hostility, 60% of those abuses include little children. Every 26 seconds, some one runs away from home, and 24% of them have tried to commit suicide.

So stop hiding in your homes! THE WORLD OUT THERE NEEDS YOU!!! Go out there and spread knowledge about the dangers of drugs and alcohol, you might just save a kid's life. Go give blood to someone who doesn't even know you!

After you die, your soul goes to God's home, but you can give life to someone with the rest of your body.
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Thank you for all of this information. I hope in your community you are just as inspiring with your own good deeds. Actions speak much lourder than preaching. Blessngs. GTKK

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Important Aspect Of Sikhism (06/05/2003)
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