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Summary of Question:I Like This Guy Very Much, Even Told Him But Now Confused
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Friday, 11/10/2006 10:06 PM MST

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ke fateh....

im really really confused...there is this guy i like very much, we both talked for hours and hours on the phone everyday,and we got to know each other very well, i like him and even told him that (thru email tho) and he didnt really say much expect that he thought there could'v been something btw us too but his friend who is also related to me doesnt like the two of us we dont talk at all on phone and barely even on msn and when we do its just hey wats up deal, and seems like he doesnt really want to talk anymore but at times i can tell he has feeling for me...i dont know wat to do, should i talk to him about it in person? and i try to leave him behind and not think about it but i just cant this is really hard for me and is effecting my studies and life i need help plz give me some answers...sat shri akal

(REPLY) Sat Nam. You're at the most difficult and painful stage of life, when the emotions are so strong, and the relationship with this boy seems like the most important thing in the world. So, I can't give you much consolation. I will, however try to wake you up to the fact --- and it's a FACT -- that if you go chasing after him in any way, in person or email or messaging, you're going to get hurt, and you're going to look like a fool. Believe me, that's just the way it is, and you have to start controlling your mind and your emotions and use your energy to focus on your studies. Don't ruin your schoolwork because of this situation. Do you do anything to remind yourself every day that God lives and breathes in you? Do you read any of the banis? Life is given us to pay off our karma and to reconnect with the God who created us --- everything else is just keeping us occupied temporarily! the reality is that you are a divine being, a soul born into a physical body to learn certain lessons. I suggest that you read Japji Sahib carefully, and really try to understand the meaning in it. Guru Nanak gave us the wisdom and the guidance to walk the path of a Sikh in this lifetime, and each of his successors provided more help along the way. They were human beings who deeply understood the meaning of life and tried to convey that to us, so we wouldn't waste this precious lifetime. Back to the immediate problem: do you think so little of yourself, is your self-esteem so low that you want to chase a guy who doesn't want to communicate with you!?? Have some guts, and realize he's not worth your time. Really! SP

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