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Summary of Question:Quran's Mention Of Guru Nanak's N Rltnshp With Muslims??
Date Posted:Wednesday, 10/16/2002 10:19 AM MDT

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh....

I've always enjoyed listening to my mother's story-telling or impromtu lessons all of our ten Gurus and a little bit of the Hindu Gods and Goddesses. These childhood memories of listening about our Sikhs Gurus plus other religious figures have been a wonderful experience for me.

I do remember Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji's travels to Mecca and also what had happened there when he was told by, I think, the Muslims, not to show disrespect towards their holy site by putting his feet towards Mecca. This is just one of the examples of Sri Guru Nanak's interactions with the Muslims.

My question is that does the Qu'ran (Koran) mention anything of Sri Guru Nanak's travels and relationship with the Muslims. So far, no muslims here in Singapore has ever heard of such thing before??

So help me on this.. thanks


Sat Siri Akal.

The Qu'ran was actually compiled before Guru Nanaak's time. It isn't a historical document as much as a religious book for the Muslims with sacred teachings within it.

If you want to learn more about the Qu'ran, you can search teh web - I'm sure there are lots of sites out there that talk about the composition of it - when it was made, and what is included within it.

Thank you for asking the questions and being open to hearing about other traditions.

All love.


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Quran's Mention Of Guru Nanak's N Rltnshp With Muslims?? (10/16/2002)
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